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Tips, Tricks, Techniques, Information, and Examples to Help You Find Treasure:
Gold, Silver, Gems & Jewelry!!!

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A Jewelry Filled Bag

Oh, this is a great story one of our readers sent in, complete with pictures. I’m so happy to see gentlemen reading Cheap Gold and Silver, too.

Here’s his story:

He was out one morning and decided to stop at one – yes, one – estate sale. He started looking around in the house and noticed a plastic baggy on one of the tables. He took his time walking around and finally made his way to the jewel filled baggy. As he looked through the bag, he kept talking to the sellers about his four grand daughters. After analyzing the jewelry in the bag, he asked them how much they wanted for the whole bag as a package deal. The seller said – wait for it – $3.00! That was three dollars for all of it! Of course, he bought the entire bag of jewelry (check out the picture below). When I read this story and saw the pictures in my email, my heart started beating with excitement for my reader. Way to go!!!

This is the all the jewelry that came in that bag for $3.00. The sterling silver jewelry is in the top pile. The bottom pile will make great gifts for his grand kids. From the Treasure Fever Blog.

This is the all the jewelry that came in that bag for $3.00. The sterling silver jewelry is in the top pile. The bottom pile will make great gifts for his grand kids.

Here is everything out of the bag that is sterling silver on the scale being weighed. It is 87.1 grams of sterling silver. Using today’s closing spot price of $26.90 per troy ounce that is $69.68 worth of fine silver (2.59 troy ounces to be exact). Not bad for a $3 investment. Plus, he could probably sell them as retail items, rather than scrap silver and make even more money, if he wanted.

Here is the picture of all the Sterling Silver Jewelry on the scale. It reads 87.1 grams. Sorry it is a little blurry, but I can't ask my reader to send a clearer picture. I have to be happy with what I receive. From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Here is the picture of all the Sterling Silver Jewelry on the scale. It reads 87.1 grams. Sorry it is a little blurry, but I can't ask my reader to send a clearer picture. I have to be happy with what I receive.

This is the first blog post in this three part series, be sure to read the next posts later this week. You don’t want to miss them. He breaks down the items from the bag even further. Remember, he only stopped at one sale that day. This proves you never know what you’ll find out there on your journey; sometimes all it takes is one sale to give your day a silver lining.

Here’s the link to the second post and here is the link to the third post in the series.

What have you found on your journeys? Don’t forget to let us know – I want to share in your excitement, too.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting,

~Vicki Priebe Author of "Cheap Gold and Silver"


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